- Participation is open to any student in grades K-12 attending school in or residing in Perry County.
- Accepting original work created since February 1, 2024.
- $3.00 fee required per entry. (Scholarships available upon request.)
- Each student may submit one entry per category within Literature, Performance and Visual Art. (For example student may submit a poem, essay, short story AND comic art all found within Literature)
Literature (Categories: Comic art | Poetry | Essay | Short Story)
- A cover page must accompany each entry with the following information: Full Name, Grade, School, Category, and Title
- Essay, poems and short stories must be typed, double-spaced on size 8-1/2” x 11” sheet (no artwork). Maximum word limit per entry—2,000 words. Maximum 3-page limit for Comic Art.
- Convert each entry to a pdf and email to yad@perrycountyarts.org or deliver/mail printed copy to PCCA.
- PCCA reserves the right to submit literature entries for publication in local newspapers and PCCA’s newsletter.
- All writers are invited to read their literature during Youth Art Day in April.
- If a writer wishes to read their entry at Youth Art Day they must bring a digital or physical copy with them to read. PCCA is not responsible for providing copies during the presentation.
Performance (Categories: Dance | Drama | Music)
- Performance may be presented live during Youth Art Day OR submitted via video.
- Total performance time should be no more than 5 minutes, unless PCCA grants a time extension.
- You may either bring your accompanist or provide a recording of your accompaniment. If you are using recorded accompaniment as part of your performance, please send the digital audio file or link to yad@perrycountyarts.org.
- For a group performance, each performer must submit a registration form and $3 entry fee, and list the other members of the group when submitting your entry.
- Video entries must be sent via MP4 or MOV UPLOAD or share link. Videos should not exceed 5 minutes in length. Please email video or share link to yad@perrycountyarts.org.
Visual Art (view list of categories)
Flat Art or Pictures
- Visual art entries such as pictures should be affixed to heavyweight paper or mat board, or in a protective frame with no glass.
- No paint party submissions or work generated from kits, please.
- You must affix a Youth Art Day art ID tag to the back of your entry.
3-dimensional Objects
- Visual art entries such as functional pottery and sculptures should be wrapped in protective packaging.
- No work generated from kits, please.
- You must affix a Youth Art Day art ID tag to the entry using tape or a piece of string.
- Video entries must be submitted via MP4 or MOV UPLOAD or share link. Videos should not exceed 5 minutes in length. Please email video or share link to yad@perrycountyarts.org.
- Your video should be an original creation that hasn’t been published before and doesn’t infringe on any copyrights, trademarks, or other people’s rights. If needed, you will be asked to provide permission for any recognizable people or locations that appear in your video. In case you’re unable to provide these permissions, PCCA may decide whether your video can continue in the contest or not. You can find model and location release forms on perrycountyarts.org. Please ensure your submission doesn’t include any content that is sexually explicit, obscene, violent, discriminatory, or promotes harmful activities. If PCCA finds the submission to include any material which we do not believe is appropriate for display we reserve the right to disqualify the entry.
Literature and Visual Art entries will be judged competitively by out-of-county judges prior to Youth Art Day. Grade level grouping for judging purposes: K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12.
Visual Art: All entries will be displayed at Youth Art Day. Winners will be notified at the event and honored during the 1 p.m. awards ceremony.
Literature: All entries will be displayed at Youth Art Day. Winners will be notified at the event. We invite students to sign-up to read their works during the event, please bring a copy of your literature entry with you to read. Students who have been selected to win an award will be honored during the Youth Art Day awards ceremony at 1 p.m. in the auditorium.
First through Third Place: All place-winning entries will receive ribbons and recognition at the awards ceremony. Certificates for visual art/literature winners and all participants will be mailed to the students’ school on their entry form or their home address.
Director’s Choice Awards: Annually, PCCA’s Executive Director and board members select a few of their favorite entries by students in all grades to display at PCCA. These entries will be marked with a tag at Youth Art Day and will be retained by PCCA for display at PCCA Gallery immediately following Youth Art Day. Entries will be returned to students’ schools in May prior to the end of the schoolyear.
People’s Choice Award: Entries by students in all grades are eligible for this award that is determined by who receives the most votes cast by attendees at Youth Art Day. The winner will be announced on social media after the Youth Art Day event.
11:00-3:30 Art Show & ACTIVITIES
Student art show, with more than 800 pieces of K-12 visual art and literature
Information tables for creative opportunities
Food concessions to benefit Perry County arts programming
Drop-In Art, our free monthly make-and-take craft program for kids of all ages
Artist in Residence with hands-on pottery demonstrations
12:00 -1:30 PERFORMANCE SHOWCASE of PCCA and Community Opportunities
Coffeehouse Open Mic presented by Tony Oliveri – Grey Kitner performing
Little Buffalo Festival Youth Opportunities presented by Tony Oliveri
Poetic Excellence Awards presented by Tony Oliveri – Brooke Mitchell performing
New Bloomfield Lions Community Theatre presented by Gloria McPherson
PerryLive! presented by Dave Kutz – MoeJoe performing
1:45 -2:30 or until finished LITERARY READINGS
Students will read their original poems, essays and short stories
3:00 AWARDS CEREMONY in Auditorium
All Perry County students in Kindergarten through 12th grade are encouraged to participate. Students must reside in the county or attend a public, private, or home school in the county. Works created at home are eligible. Entries may be submitted on behalf of students by both their teachers and parents.
Entry Fee
Each entry requires a non-refundable $3 fee. If you are currently experiencing financial challenges, please contact yad@perrycountyarts.org to have your fee waived or indicate this on a printed registration form.

Lucy Lightner
Senior, Newport High School
“Eye See You” multicolor drawing

PCCA Executive Director Jasmine Colbert, Lucy Lightner, and PA State Rep. Perry Stambaugh
Peyton Dorwart
Sophomore, Newport High School
“The Hive” stained glass door
People’s Choice Award is determined by attendees at Youth Art Day, who vote for their favorite piece of art.
Entries by the following students were selected for inclusion in an upcoming exhibit at PCCA’s Landis House, 67 N. Fourth Street, highlighting standout pieces from Youth Art Day.
Colton Albright, Sadie Appleberry, Lane Arnold, Lacie Boyer, Abigail Brightbill, Grace Buckley, Wyatt Caldwell, Jonah Caudle, Dylan Ciccocioppo, Vivian Cockley, Adrian Comp, Rowen Davis, Colte Degiglio, Peyton Dorwart, Madison Egresits, Danielle Failor, Emily Finton, Paige Gantt, Elisa Gilcrease, Julie Gisewhite, Cole Klinger, Madison Kurylo, Lucy Lightner, Sophia Meglio, Grace Miller, Emmaus Roberts, Dawson Seidel Kennedy, Connie Sheaffer, Rocky Shuler, Victoria Signor, Jordyn Turnbaugh, and Spencer Watts
Entries by the following students were selected for inclusion in an upcoming outdoor art exhibition that will travel to various community parks.
Shelby Bowen, Emma File, Madison Kurylo, Lucy Lightner, Aubrey Mitchell, and Grace Simpson
If you received a letter stating that your student’s Youth Art Day artwork was chosen for the Director’s Choice exhibition, please RSVP their participation below.
If you received a letter stating that your student’s Youth Art Day artwork was chosen for the Art Uplifts outdoor exhibition, please RSVP their participation below.
Perry County Council of the Arts Staff and Board of Directors are proud to present the 2021 Virtual Youth Art Day Showcase!
Please enjoy the outstanding creative works of Perry County’s youth and consider sharing our Youth Art Day social media posts and YouTube videos.
Youth Art Day is a county-wide youth art exhibition that showcases the creativity and talent of Perry County students, which is typically held at each Perry County school on a rotating basis. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Youth Art Day 2021 is being displayed virtually, as it was last year. We hope to see you in person at next year’s Youth Art Day!
Youth Art Day is generously sponsored by the following organizations, businesses and individuals:
Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, abc27, Bank of Landisburg, Don Jacobs Insurance, Hall Foundation, Hempt Bros., Inc., Hengst Family Dental, Hunters Valley Sportsmens Association, Sheetz, Spiral Path Farm, Devin Albrand, Bob & Edna Baker, Paul & Teena Beutel, Baird & Mary Jane Collins, Marylou Dudley, Kelley & Dave Griswold, Frances Hershey, Arlis & Stanley Krammes, Darlene Kvaternik, Judy Landis, Clyde & Barbara McGeary, Tracy Meisinger-Troutman, Steve & Laura Messner, Gene & Kathy Odato, Ann & Richard Shull, Hannah Smith-Brubaker, Irene VanBuskirk, Tom & Carol Vracarich, Cecile Willet, Diane & Ross Witcoski, Pam & Michael Wolfersberger.
Little Red Octopus
Multi-color Drawing
by Cailey Glatz, 12th Grade, Greenwood High School
Cailey received the top visual art honor out of 412 entries, winning a $250 cash prize and the grand prize trophy to display at her school.
Each year, Perry County Council of the Arts hosts a special exhibition featuring young standout artists and their works from Youth Art Day. Director’s Choice artwork is featured below on our website and will be included in a special exhibition at PCCA Gallery and in our online webstore, where students will have the opportunity to sell their work.
The following student artwork was selected to be featured in PCCA’s 2021 “Art Uplifts” touring outdoor exhibition, with local art printed on durable yard signs for display along walking paths in regional community parks.
A Fresh Start
Oil & Acrylic
by Amiah Barner, 9th Grade, Greenwood High School
A Vibrant Bloom
by Cailey Glatz, 12th Grade, Greenwood High School
by Madelynn Smiley, 4th Grade, Susquenita Elementary School
Life’s Close-ups 2: Glitter
by Spencer Watts, 11th Grade, Greenwood High School
2014 Youth Art Day Best in Show winner Emily Keniston curated and designed Youth Art Day 2021 greeting cards using outstanding student artwork from this year’s virtual showcase. The cards will be available for our members and for purchase at PCCA Gallery.