PCCA is governed by a board of directors. The board is responsible for setting the organization’s mission, strategy, and goals, and ensuring that the organization operates in compliance with legal and ethical standards.


Allison Juliana, President

Louise Warner, Vice President

Jennifer Mitchell, Treasurer

Lynne Reeder, Secretary

Jessica Burkholder

Lauren Eichelberger

Jackie Gibboney

John Guarnera

Audra Hunter

Patti McLaughlin

Emily Rowe

Brittany Shetter

Karen Smith


    First and Last Name (required)

    Address, City, State, Zip

    Email (required)

    Phone Number



    Are you a:

    Current PCCA memberFormer PCCA memberNon-member

    Your current organizational affiliations (names of the organization and your role(s)):

    Which of your skills would you like to utilize on the Board? Check those that apply:

    Board DevelopmentStrategic PlanningStaffing/HRProgram DevelopmentFinancial ManagementFundraisingEvaluationCommunity NetworkingTrainingMarketingVolunteer ManagementFacilities Management

    Other skill(s) of yours that you would like to utilize:

    Briefly describe why you would like to join our Board of Directors:

    Board Members stay connected to PCCA through meeting attendance, committee work, events, e-mail and other PCCA communications. Do you have the time and resources to be an active Member of the PCCA Board?

    Are you comfortable soliciting others for membership and funding?


    What would you like to get for yourself out of your participation on the Board, e.g., what types of experiences, skills to develop, interests to cultivate for you, etc.?